Appointment Scheduling

Thank you for deciding to book your home inspection or services with Katz Family Home Inspection!
Services and options are listed below. Every inspection and situation has its own characteristics, That said, Richard Katz will reach out to you to go over the details of your request and to answer any questions you may have shortly after it is received. Know that, if you prefer to speak directly with Richard to answer questions and/or book your appointment, he is available most hours of the day. Richard's cell is 952-239-1053.
Just a few basic points-
The length and cost of the inspection will be determined by the square footage of the property. When choosing a service below, there is a drop-down menu for you to select the square footage of the property; selecting the appropriate square footage will give you the cost of the inspection.
Most clients will meet Richard at the inspection's end to review findings and answer questions. On your connect call, Richard will work with you to find the best time for you to arrive; family members, friends, and realtors are always welcome to attend.
Shortly after you submit your appointment request we will reach out to you for the following.
Confirm the day, complete time frame of the inspection, and when would be a good meeting time to review the inspection details.
Confirm the price of the inspection. The cost will generally never be higher than what is listed below, but sometimes, based on the specifics of the property, may be lower.
Answer any questions that you may have.
Confirm that we will set the inspection appointment through the sellers or their agent. We will send you a text once the appointment is set.
Send you an inspection agreement with all of the specifics, including price, laid out, in writing.
Payment or deposit is never required in advance of the inspection. Payment can be made on the day of the inspection at the completion of the walk-through. Preferred methods of payment are cash, check, Venmo, or Zelle. If you prefer to pay by credit card, That type of payment can easily be processed.
Our Services
3 hr 30 min
From 400 US dollars3 hr 45 min
From 575 US dollars4 hr
From 575 US dollars4 hr
From 700 US dollars3 hr
From 350 US dollars3 hr 15 min
From 525 US dollars3 hr 45 min
From 525 US dollars4 hr
From 650 US dollars1 hr
225 US dollars1 hr 30 min
200 US dollars2 hr
From 225 US dollars